Thursday, December 18, 2008

Don't Let It Get To You.

I spoke those words,
yet they withered,
as the night fell down to the floor,
ashes rise in the beauty of dread,
changing masks to destroy ourselves

alive, awake,
depends on how you take it,
to your grief, and yet I laid,
so still that i would've fooled,
anyone into thinking that I was dead,
just asleep in my emptiness,
sorrows start to tighten on my throat

just another breath that I'm taking,
am I worthy, or is it a waste?
my bones break under the weight,
of this apocalyptic doom,
shrouded in a state of fog,
too immense to cut through,
what will become of me?

glaring into space,
the radiance preaches silence,
all that I've made,
is crashing and burning,
yet another day,
will show its ugly head on me again,

all that I've worried for,
all that I've reconciled,
everything that got to me,
the searing of my pains,
the torment of those systems of destruction,
will still await my wretched fate.

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